Our Team

Shakil Mohammad

Owner of London Investment Capital having over 23 years experience in various sectors including Recruitment, Real Estate, Technology and Banking. Worked for companies including JP Morgan Investment Bank, British Telecom, Accenture and AXA Insurance.

CEO/Co-Founder @ JannahCoin

Humza Mohammed

Since a young age self taught in Technology & Programming including PYTHON, Web Development, IOS, ANDROID, Solidity, Blockchain, Ethereum. Developed JannahCoin from Start to finish.

CTO/Co-Founder @ JannahCoin

Adam Mohammed

Achieved high academic success, currently studying Banking & Finance at the Institute of Banking and Finance. With a deep knowledge of Economics, Banking, Finance and Technology.

CFO/Co-Founder @ JannahCoin

Jan Victor

Highly experienced Ex-Banker with 30 Years+ experience working in 5 continents. Having managed the investments for some of the wealthiest clients including Royal Families, Large Corporations, Sovereign Wealth Funds, PE, Banks and Governments.

Chief Investment Officer

Aimran Aziz

Patnership advisor